
All the presentations below have been created by Chris Mitchell.

  1. A Concise Overview of Project Management.
  2. Being Agile in Project Management.
  3. CPS Head Quarters Close down and move schedule.
  4. The Importance of Creativity in Life.
  5. The Importance of being focused.
  6. Project Overview and Planning.


1. A Concise Overview of Project Management:

This is a PowerPoint presentation that I created giving an overview of project management. It also highlights the role the emotions play in project management. That are extremely important and often overlooked in project management methodologies. As I was once told by a project manager – Projects are people.

2. Being Agile in Project Management:
This is a PowerPoint presentation that I created giving an overview of Agile project management.

3. CPS Head Quarters Close down and move schedule:
This is a presentation that I created while working at the CPS (Crown prosecution service). The move took place successfully.
4. The Importance of Creativity in Life:
Although this can and should be applied to any area of life. I think it is also important to apply to project management as it can help over come challenges and increase problem solving.
5. The Importance of being focused:
A very high level presentation and a good reminder of how important focusing on the task at hand is.
6. Project Planning and Overview:
This is a high level presentation template (with no specific details added) that could be delivered to a client or used in house to provide details on the planning and scheduling of a project. It uses a traditional waterfall type approach so may not suit an Agile environment.

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