What are the differences between HTML, XML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript in layman terms?

This is a very useful discussion on Quora regarding the differences between  – HTML, XML, PHP, CSS and JavaScript in layman terms.

Quora Link

Or in other words as Ankit Gauray puts it: Web Development in Layman’s Terms.

HTML: It contains the set of all the text and media files(images, videos) that you see in a website. Kept alone, it is boring to look at or deal with.

CSS: The designer. Places the boring html set in beautiful format.

PHP: The logic maker. It decides what to present to the html to show to you. Works behind the scene. Incognito Master!

MySQL: The Store Keeper. It stores the data in an orgainsed way, ready to be presented by HTML, elegantly by CSS with the help of PHP codes.

XML: The elder brother of html. It unlike html that only displays data, can also describe the data. That is, it understands the way data is to be stored or transferred to other programs. Use this to move all your contacts from one device to another.

Now that you know how all the four mentioned above work in cooperation with one another, you must understand it’s not possible to write a complex website using only one of the four you mentioned.

Further reading: I recommend honest reading through W3Schools Online Web Tutorialsfor all of the above. They can teach you web development within 15-20 days. (You need to be sincere though.)

Ankit Gaurav, Founder ( handybooks.in ), Self-taught web developer


How to: Generate Memorable, Secure Passwords

Some good advice on creating strong passwords


On Passwords

You may have guessed that memory has never been one of my strongest suites.

Of course, in an environment where you’ve got to change your passwords every 3 months (read: most corporate offices), this won’t do.  So here’s a simple framework for quickly generating passwords that are easily-remembered, yet secure enough for office use.

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My current task management “system”

A good task management system. Although primarily for personal task management.

Dr Andus's toolbox

I’m just taking a moment here to reflect how I manage my to-dos these days. I’m not saying this is a great system. But currently it works for me. I work with three monitors on my desk. In the left monitor I have Firefox open with four tabs open all the time. I switch the monitor on and off, as needed. For times when I’m not at my desk, I have an iPod Touch and an iPad, which form part of the system.

The first open tab in Firefox has Google Calendar in Week view. The calendar contains all appointments, recurrent tasks (such as payments I need to make), and other important tasks that must be done at a particular day and time. It is not for managing small or detailed tasks or tasks that have not been allocated to a time coordinate. All Google Calendar tasks have an…

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